
Liittyvät sanat: -aaltoinen, -aatteinen, -aiheinen, -aineinen, -aineksinen, -aistinen.


englanti (monikko) -um|lang=en
(monikko) -on|lang=en
puhekieltä Same as (m) in Standard English.

me fatha was a corka burna doon the shipyard — “My father was a corker burner at the shipyard.”

puhekieltä Used to replace (m) in nouns.

gangsta — “gangster”

brotha — “brother”

(non-gloss definition).
(non-gloss definition)


puhekieltä (alternative form of)

whoda|who'da thunk it?

shoulda shoulda, coulda coulda, woulda woulda

puhekieltä (form of)

lotta lotta, loads loadsa, cuppa cuppa, kinda kinda, sorta sorta

puhekieltä to ((non-gloss definition))

oughta oughta, wanna wanna, gotta gotta, gonna gonna''

(nl-noun form of)
feminine form of (l)
Related to, in the manner of, of. (Ending for all adjectives in Esperanto.)

belo; bela — “beauty; beautiful”

dekstro; dekstra — “the right direction (as opposed to left); to the right”

vero; vera — “truth; true”

Belonging to, of. (Ending for all possessive pronouns in Esperanto.)

mia — “of me, my”

via — “of you, your”

ilia — “of them, their”

-kind of. (Ending of all :Category:Esperanto correlatives|correlatives of kind in Esperanto.)

kia — “what kind of”

tia — “that kind of”

nenia — “no kind of”

puhekieltä Forms the partitive case of nouns, adjectives, numbers and some pronouns.
puhekieltä Forms the short form of the first infinitive of verbs.
suffix Suffix indicating the third-person singular past historic of (m) verbs.
puhekieltä his, her, its (third-person singular, single possession)


Used to form verbs from nouns.

spark → sparka sparka — a kick → to kick

mjólk → mjólka mjólka — milk → to milk

von → vona vona — hope → to hope

ávarp → ávarpa ávarpa — an address → to address

rit → rita rita — a writ → to write

rass → rassa rassa — an ass → to spank (on the ass)

Used to form adverbs from adjectives.

illur → illa illa — bad → badly


Used, with a stem, to form the third-person singular present tense of -are verbs.
Used, with a stem, to form the second-person singular imperative of -are verbs.
Used, with a stem, to form the first-person singular, second-person singular and third-person singular present subjunctive of -ere verbs, and of those -ire verbs that do not insert "isc".
Used, with a stem, to form the third-person singular imperative of -ere verbs, and of those -ire verbs that do not insert "isc".

(suffixusex) (g)

(non-gloss definition)'', forms adverbs which are frequently also used as prepositions

(m) + (m)(m)

(m) + (m) + (m)(m)

(inflection of)
Used to derive feminine nouns from masculine nouns (like English (m)).


nominative masculine n-stem ending

(m); (m)

used to form masculine agents from verbs
(non-gloss definition) nouns and adjectives
(non-gloss definition) (l) (l) (l) of verbs ending in -ar


(non-gloss definition) (l) (l) (l) of verbs ending in -er and -ir
(qualifier) the puhekieltä
-ess. (Used to form feminine singular nouns.)

señor; señora — “gentleman; lady”

camarero; camarera — “waitor; waitress”

(Used to form the feminine singular adjectives.)

frío; fría — “cold; cold”

-s. (Used to form the third-person singular (also used with (m)) present indicative mood of regular -ar verbs.)

hablar; habla — “to talk; talks”

(Used to form the first and third-person singular (also used with (m)) singular subjunctive mood of -er and -ir verbs, also used for the imperative mood of (m).)

comer; aunque yo coma — “to eat; even if I ate”; salir; por favor, salga Ud. — “to leave; please leave (formal)”

(Used to form the second-person singular imperative mood of -ar verbs.)

hablar; ¡Habla! — “to talk; Talk!”

puhekieltä Suffix to mark that the corresponding noun is either in plural or in definite singular form
Marker of definiteness for noun plurals ending in -n (fourth declension).

''läten; lätena; "sounds; the sounds"

A verb-building suffix that can be added to noun or adjectives, such as (m)(m) or (m)(m)
Create a noun from a numeral, such as (m)(m)
Used to form the dative case.

İstanbul’a — “to Istanbul”

Ankara’ya — “to Ankara”

İzmir’e — “to Izmir”

babasına — “to his father”

Used to form gerunds.

yürüye — “by walking”

A morpheme used to mark the genitive singular of a word (such as a noun, adjective or pronoun). It is also the most common morpheme used in creating innumerable compound words, some of which can be very long (e.g., pledadinaselidöp "toy store, toy shop", tanoganilamedin "antibiotic", taglumaladälamedin "anti-depressant", natrinakarbatazüd telik "bicarbonate of soda").

Elaf Tyrannosaurus rex älifon in taledadil, kel nu binon dil Nolüda-Meropa.

Tyrannosaurus rex lived in an area of the earth, which is now a part of North America.

Buks binons stumem lärnazilana (/ lärnazilanastumem / stumem lärnazilanik).

Books are a scholar's tools.

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