

  1. yhtye, musiikkiryhmä

    He muodostivat bändin yläasteella.



  1. koriste, pieni rengas, nauha, panta, raita, hihna, sikarinauha, sormus.

Lisää synonyymejää


Band soitti keikalla loistavasti.
Hän liittyi uuteen rockbändiin.
Paikallinen band voitti kilpailun.
Bandskenelle syntyy jatkuvasti uutta musiikkia.
Hän kuuntelee monenlaisia bändejä.







taajuusalue A strip of material used for strengthening or coupling.
A strip of material wrapped around things to hold them together.
A narrow strip of cloth or other material on clothing, to bind, strengthen, or ornament it.
1843, (w), (w)

band and gusset and seam
A strip along the spine of a book where the pages are attached.
A belt or strap that is part of a machine.
puhekieltä A strip of decoration.
A continuous tablet, stripe, or series of ornaments, as of carved foliage, of colour, or of brickwork.
In Gothic architecture, the moulding, or suite of mouldings, which encircles the pillars and small shafts.
That which serves as the means of union or connection between persons; a tie.
(w) (1564-1616)
to join in Hymen's bands
A linen collar or ruff worn in the 16th and 17th centuries.
puhekieltä Two strips of linen hanging from the neck in front as part of a clerical, legal, or academic dress.
puhekieltä A part of the radio spectrum.
puhekieltä A group of energy levels in a solid state material.


puhekieltä A bond.
thy oath and band
puhekieltä Pledge; security.


puhekieltä A ring, such as a wedding ring (wedding band), or a ring put on a bird's leg to identify it.
puhekieltä Any distinguishing line formed by chromatography, electrophoresis etc
puhekieltä A wad of money totaling $10K, held together by a band; puhekieltä money
(lbl) To fasten with a band.
(lbl) To fasten an identifying band around the leg of (a bird).
A group of musicians who perform together as an ensemble, usually for a professional recording artist.
A type of orchestra originally playing janissary music.
A marching band.
A group of people loosely united for a common purpose (qualifier).
1900, L. Frank Baum , The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Chapter 23
"My third command to the Winged Monkeys," said Glinda, "shall be to carry you to your forest. Then, having used up the powers of the Golden Cap, I shall give it to the King of the Monkeys, that he and his band may thereafter be free for evermore."
puhekieltä A small group of people living in a simple society.
1883, (w), (w) s:The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood/Chapter V|Chapter V
But in the meantime Robin Hood and his band lived quietly in Sherwood Forest, without showing their faces abroad, for Robin knew that it would not be wise for him to be seen in the neighborhood of Nottingham, those in authority being very wroth with him.
puhekieltä A group of aboriginals that has official recognition as an organized unit by the federal government of Canada.
puhekieltä To group together for a common purpose; to confederate.
Bible, Acts xxiii. 12
Certain of the Jews banded together.
puhekieltä English band (gloss) (zh-mw)
{{zh-x|期{kei4}望 快快 成 為 世界 最 勁{ging6} 嘅 @B{b}a{e}nd{1}|Hoping that we'll quickly become the world's best band|C|ref=1987, (w2) ((w)), (lang)

{{zh-x|彈{taan4} 結他 嗰個 通常 係 一 隊 ba{e}nd{1} 嘅 中心,表演 嗰陣 要 好似 le{i}a{1}de{aa}r{4} 咁{gam2} 帶住 隊 ba{e}nd{1},好 自然 就 會 吸引 到{dou3-2} 觀眾 嘅 目光 㗎{gaa3}喇。|The guitarist is usually the center of a band and has to lead the band during performances, and naturally becomes the audience's center of attention.|C|ref=2010, TVB-J2, (w2) ((w)), season 1, episode 2
puhekieltä excommunication
puhekieltä swear word
(l), (l), (l)
band (all English senses, above, except for group of musicians) (g2)
(l)/(l) (e.g. a car tyre) (g2)
(l) (magnetic tape, video tape) (g2)
(l) (the bank of a pool table) (g2)
(l) (a martial arts belt) (g2)
(l) (conveyor belt) (g2)
(l), (l)
puhekieltä (l)
Past tense of binden.
a string
puhekieltä ties, connection, relations
binding (of a book)
puhekieltä tie
puhekieltä a musical (l)
puhekieltä a (l); group of (rock) musicians
a (l), a ribbon, a tape; a strip of material
a band, an ensemble, an orchestra; group of musicians
a band, a gang; band of robbers
puhekieltä a band; a part of radio spectrum
puhekieltä a band; a group of energy levels
an audio tape or a video tape
a cassette of audio or video tape
a tie, a connection, a relation; from a person to another person or to a place


  • bandistaka: jääpallomaila : Bandistagat bungas enemmän ku lätkästagat.

  • bandimaila: jääpallomaila

  • bandy: jääpallo (peli ja peliväline) myös: pilleri

  • bandi: jääpallo (peli ja peliväline) myös: pilleri


  • "DLR band Tarkoittaa Davea, Loweryä ja Rayta. Nimesin sen niin, koska se kuulostaa enemmän yhtyeeltä kuin pelkkä David Lee Roth, joka kuulostaa henkilöltä. Kun kuulet nimen David Lee Roth, ajattelet henkilöä. Kun kuulet nimen DLR band, ajattelet yhtyettä. Ihan niinkuin kuulet nimen Eddie Van Halen, ajattelet henkilöä, ja kun kuulet nimen Van Halen - ajattelet David Lee Rothia!"

  • "We're not arrogant, we just believe we're the best band in the world." ("Emme ole ylimielisiä, me vain uskomme, että olemme paras bändi maailmassa.")"

  • "What, you askin' me if I'm happy Listen, I've got eighty seven million pounds in the bank. I've got a Rolls-Royce. I've got three stalkers. I'm about to go on the board at Manchester City. I'm part of the greatest band in the world. Am I happy with that No I'm not! I want more!" ("Mitä, kysyt olenko onnellinen Kuuntele, minulla on 87 miljoonaa puntaa pankissa. Minulla on Rolls-Royce. Minulla on kolme kyttääjää. Olen menossa Manchester Cityn johtokuntaan. Olen osa maailman parasta bndiä. Olenko onnellinen En ole! Haluan lisää!")"


band rimmaa näiden kanssa:

big band

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