

  1. korttipeli

    Hän pelaa bridgeä viikoittain." "briefing

yks. nom. bridge, yks. gen. bridgen, yks. part. bridgeä, yks. ill. bridgeen, mon. gen. bridgejen bridgein, mon. part. bridgejä, mon. ill. bridgeihin.



  1. korttipeli, venäläinen visti, huutokauppa-bridge, sitoumusbridge.

Lisää synonyymejää


Bridge on nelinpelinä pelattava korttipeli.
Hän liittyi bridge-kerhoon.
Bridge-harrastus vaatii keskittymistä ja strategiaa.
Isoäiti opetti lapsenlapsilleen bridgeä.
Bridge-turnauksissa kilpailee maailman huippupelaajia.


Englannista lainattu korttipelin nimi.







bridge A construction or natural feature that spans a divide.


(senseid)puhekieltä The upper bony ridge of the human nose.
puhekieltä A prosthesis replacing one or several adjacent tooth teeth.
puhekieltä The gap between the holes on a bowling ball
An arch or superstructure.
puhekieltä An elevated platform above the upper deck of a mechanically propelled ship from which it is navigated and from which all activities on deck can be seen and controlled by the captain, etc; smaller ships have a wheelhouse, and sailing ships were controlled from a quarterdeck.
puhekieltä The piece, on string instruments, that supports the strings from the sounding board.
puhekieltä A particular form of one hand placed on the table to support the cue when making a shot in cue sports.
puhekieltä A cue modified with a convex arch-shaped notched head attached to the narrow end, used to support a player's (shooter's) cue for extended or tedious shots. Also called a spider.
Anything supported at the ends and serving to keep some other thing from resting upon the object spanned, as in engraving, watchmaking, etc., or which forms a platform or staging over which something passes or is conveyed.
puhekieltä A defensive position in which the wrestler is supported by his feet and head, belly-up, in order to prevent touch-down of the shoulders and eventually to dislodge an opponent who has established a position on top.
A connection, real or abstract.
puhekieltä A rudimentary procedure before definite solution
puhekieltä A device which connects two or more computer bus buses, typically in a transparent manner.
puhekieltä A system which connects two or more LAN local area networks at layer 2.
puhekieltä An intramolecular valence bond, atom or chain of atoms that connects two different parts of a molecule; the atoms so connected being bridgeheads.
puhekieltä An unintended solder connection between two or more components or pins.
puhekieltä A song contained within another song, often demarcated by meter, key, or melody.
puhekieltä An edge which, if removed, changes a connected graph to one that is not connected.
puhekieltä A point in a line where a break in a word unit cannot occur.
puhekieltä A statement, such as an offer, that signals a possibility of accord.
A day falling between two public holidays and consequently designated as an additional holiday.
puhekieltä Any of several electrical devices that measure characteristics such as impedance and inductance by balancing different parts of a circuit
A low wall or vertical partition in the fire chamber of a furnace, for deflecting flame, etc.; a bridge wall.
puhekieltä The situation where a lone rider or small group of riders closes the space between them and the rider or group in front.
A solid crust of undissolved salt in a water softener.
To be or make a bridge over something.

With enough cable, we can bridge this gorge.

To span as if with a bridge.
2012, Christoper Zara, Tortured Artists: From Picasso and Monroe to Warhol and Winehouse, the Twisted Secrets of the Worlds Most Creative Minds'', part 1, chapter 1, (gbooks):
The brooding, black-clad singer bridged a stark divide that emerged in the recording industry in the 1950s, as post-Elvis pop singers diverged into two camps and audiences aligned themselves with either the sideburned rebels of rock 'n' roll or the cowboy-hatted twangsters of country music.

The two groups were able to bridge their differences.

puhekieltä To transition from one piece or section of music to another without stopping.

We need to bridge that jam into "The Eleven".

puhekieltä To connect two or more computer buses, networks etc. with a bridge.
puhekieltä To go to the bridge position.
puhekieltä A card game played with four players playing as two teams of two players each.

Bidding is an essential element of the game of bridge.

(l) (card game)
puhekieltä bridgeEtymology 2|bridge
puhekieltä Etymology_2 bridge
puhekieltä English bridge (gloss)
puhekieltä (l)
puhekieltä Etymology_2 bridge (gloss)


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Liittyvät sanat

visti, skruuvi, trial, slammi, grand slam

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