

  1. ruoka-aineen ohut viipale tai kalasta valmistettu selkälihasta otettu ruhonosa

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  1. viila, kortistotiedosto, käsityökalu, kynsiviila.

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Ranskan sanasta 'filet', joka tarkoittaa säiettä tai viipaloitua lihaa.




kulkea jonossa



tallentaa A collection of papers collated and archived together.

It is upon a file with the duke's other letters.
A roll or list.
a file of all the gentry
Course of thought; thread of narration.
Sir H. Wotton
Let me resume the file of my narration.
puhekieltä An aggregation of data on a storage device, identified by a name.

Im going to delete these unwanted files to free up some disk space.''

puhekieltä To commit official papers to some office
puhekieltä To place in an archive in a logical place and order
puhekieltä To store a file (gloss) on a storage medium such as a disc or another computer.
puhekieltä To make a formal request for the benefit of an official status.

She filed for divorce the next day.

The company filed for bankruptcy when the office opened on Monday.

''They filed for a refund under their warranty.

{{quote-journal|date=May 27, 2012
puhekieltä To set in order; to arrange, or lay away.
Beaumont and Fletcher
I would have my several courses and my dishes well filed.
A column of people one behind another, whether "single file" or in a large group with many files side by side.

The troops marched in Indian file.

puhekieltä A small detachment of soldiers.
puhekieltä one of the eight vertical lines of squares on a chessboard (i.e., those which run from number to number). The analog horizontal lines are the ranks.
puhekieltä To move in a file.

The applicants kept filing into the room until it was full.

A hand tool consisting of a handle to which a block of coarse metal is attached, and used for removing sharp edges or for cutting, especially through metal.
puhekieltä A cunning or resourceful person.
Will is an old file, in spite of his smooth face.


puhekieltä To smooth, grind, or cut with a file.


(RQ:RJfrs AmtrPqr)
Orion hit a rabbit once; but though sore wounded it got to the bury, and, struggling in, the arrow caught the side of the hole and was drawn out. Indeed, a nail filed sharp is not of much avail as an arrowhead; you must have it barbed, and that was a little beyond our skill.
puhekieltä to defile
to corrupt
traffic jam
puhekieltä an aggregation of data on a storage device, identified by a name; a file
filially (in a filial manner or way)
A line of objects placed one after the other.
puhekieltä traffic jam
(inflection of)
puhekieltä fileEnglish file
(monikko) fila|lang=it
(alternative form of)
(es-verb form of)


  • file / filee: tyttö : Baaris tsittas filettä joka makuun ….


file rimmaa näiden kanssa:

mobile, hile, jäähile, raakile, omenanraakile, märkile, aukile, lakiaukile, faksimile, säile

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fileerata, tournedos, loki, chateaubriand

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