esitys tai suoritus
Hänen performanssinsa oli mahtava.
suoritus, tulos, saavutus, teko, ylisuoritus, alisuoritus, näytelmätuotanto, näytelmäesitys, encore, ylimääräinen numero, esitys.
The artist's performance captivated the audience.
Performance reviews are held annually.
His performance at work was exceptional.
The play's performance raised important questions.
We attended a stunning live performance.
englanti |
suoritus näytös suorituskyky
The act of perform performing; carrying into execution or action; execution; achievement; accomplishment; representation by action.
That which is performed or accomplished; a thing done or carried through; an achievement; a deed; an act; a feat; especially, an action of an elaborate or public character. puhekieltä A live show or concert. The amount of useful work accomplished estimated in terms of time needed, resources used, etc. puhekieltä English performance English performance (l) (gloss) performance art |
Läheisiä sanoja
perfektionismi, perfektionisti, perfektionistinen, perforaatio, performanssi, perforoida