Laaja viitta, joka yleensä heitetään pään yli ja jossa on keskellä reikä pään käyttöön
Sadekuuron aikana hän heitti ponchon päällensä.
Eräs vaate
Poncho on perinteinen Etelä-Amerikkalainen vaate.
Hän käytti värikästä ponchoa viileänä iltana.
Se on kätevä vaate syksyisin
Espanjasta lainattu sana, joka tarkoittaa viittaa.
englanti |
A simple garment, made from a rectangle of cloth, with a slit in the middle for the head. A similar waterproof garment, today typically of rubber with a hood. 1845, William Jameson, “Botanical Excursion to Salinas, an Indian Village on Chimborazo”, The London Journal of Botany, Volume 4, https://books.google.com/books?id=9eNfAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA382&dq=poncho p. 382: 1850, Romance of Modern Travel, https://books.google.com/books?id=TFsEAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA43&dq=poncho p. 43: 1857, (w), Incidents of Travel and Adventure in the Far West, https://books.google.com/books?id=01MqAAAAYAAJ&dq=poncho p. 48 (1857), https://books.google.com/books?id=_SiRx6Q8phsC&pg=PA48&dq=poncho p. 48 (1858): I found it necessary while doing guard to cover myself with my India-rubber poncho, to prevent my clothes from becoming saturated with water. 1859, Randolph Barnes Marcy, The Prairie Traveler, https://books.google.com/books?id=cWkoAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA39&dq=poncho p. 39: 1858, “Robbery in a Railway Carriage” (1858 March 29), Edmund Burke ed., Annual Register (collected 1859), March https://books.google.com/books?id=_CQsk8xG9CEC&pg=RA1-PA59&dq=poncho p. 59: 1888, William Eleroy Curtis, The capitals of Spanish America, https://books.google.com/books?id=1NBYAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA505&dq=poncho p. 505: 2001, Michael Rutter, Camping Made Easy, 2nd ed., page 98 English poncho (es-verb form of) |
ranska | poncho |
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pompula, pomsi, pomsisidos, poncho, pondi, poni