

  1. oikeus toimia toisen henkilön tai organisaation puolesta

    Hänellä on proxy tuntemattoman investoijan puolesta.



  1. valtakirja, valtuutus, agentti, asiamies, edustaja, valtuutettu.

Lisää synonyymejää


Proxy-palvelinta käytetään usein turvallisuussyistä.
Hän käytti proxy-sovellusta verkossa navigoidessaan.
Proxy voi suojata yksityisasiat netissä.
Proxy voi joskus hidastaa yhteyttä.
Koulussa käytössä oleva proxy rajoittaa pääsyä tietyille sivustoille.


Englannista, alun perin lyhenne sanasta 'procuration', tarkoittaa 'toimeksiantoa' tai 'asiamiestä'.




valtakirja, valtuutus Used as a proxyNoun proxy or acting as a proxy.

a proxy indicator

a proxy measurement

An agent or substitute authorized to act for another person.
Every peer (..) may make another lord of parliament his proxy, to vote for him in his absence.
The authority to act for another, especially when written.
I have no man's proxy: I speak only for myself.
The written appointment of a proctor in suits in the ecclesiastical courts.


puhekieltä A measurement of one physical quantity that is used as an indicator of the value of another
puhekieltä An interface for a service, especially for one that is remote, resource-intensive, or otherwise difficult to use directly.
To serve as a proxy for.
1983, Alfred Blumstein, National Research Council (U.S.). Panel on Sentencing Research, Research on Sentencing: The Search for Reform, page 143
In many of the studies we reviewed, it is common practice to use an observed variable to proxy for a relevant variable that could not be observed.
puhekieltä To function as a server for a client device, but pass on the requests to another server for service.
puhekieltä A proximity mine; a mine that explodes when something approaches within a certain distance.
2001, "TripleRaid", Perfect Dark: Glitch FAQ
(Make sure you don't move!! Might trigger a proxy..!)
2001, "CyricZ", Perfect Dark: FAQ/Walkthrough
the only means the Protectors have of delaying is by laying mines and Sentry Guns, and the Runners can only use the Magnums to blow up Proxies and Sentries.
2002, "yc", Super Smash Bros.: Kirby
Usually, the only reason I play in Yoshi's Island is to have fun with the clouds - put proxies on them, taunt from them, whatever.
2006, "eatyourmumshead", Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory: Online Mode FAQ
You can also walk with your gun out, as this will limit your speed, allowing you do sic evade the proxies.
puhekieltä (l) (interface program)
puhekieltä (l) (gloss)
(short for)
puhekieltä The (l).

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